Mulberry Masonic Lodge
Mulberry, Indiana
Welcome any brethren and guests.
1. Reading and approval of minutes
• "Any additions or corrections?" "If not, the minutes will stand as read."
• Get up and sign!
2. Presenting and referring of petitions.
• "Brother secretary do you have any?"
[Assign investigating committee if a petition is referred. Ref - S.R. 57.010]
3. Reports of standing committees
· Education Report -
4. Communications and bills
• Communications: Brother Secretary
• Bills: Brother Secretary
- (Motion by Warden) "Any discussion?" "If none, you will vote
passage of the motion by raising your right hand." "Opposed, same
sign." "Motion carried. Pay the bills."
5. Reports of investigating committees and balloting on petitions.
[See reg. 29.080 on investigating committees]
[ Reference Page 176 for balloting on petitions]
6. Unfinished business
• Unfinished degrees
• Any other unfinished business?
7. Election of Officers and yearly reports (Only in December)
8. Miscellaneous / New business
• Reports of Sick Brethren
9. Business for the Good of the Craft
10. Conferring degrees
11. Financial Report
[On the first of every month ]
12. Installation of new officers (Only in December)
"If there is no more business to come before the Lodge, we will proceed to close."